Local Trekkers Peru, United for a better world, Small things are responsible for big changes. The objective of Local of Trekkers Peru is to contribute to reduce social inequality, through social works, helping the development and increase of social welfare, environmental, education and quality of life of people living in remote parts of Peru, putting all our attention to our children who are the present and future of our country giving year to year school supplies, such as books, notebooks, pencils, among others. Local Trekkers Peru goes to remote communities, it was identified that most agencies in Cusco prefer to visit small communities near the city, which is not bad, but there are many more children far away who do not have the conditions to come to the city, so they wait patiently for someone to visit them and give them a beautiful day, their smiles on their faces is very rewarding for the team of Local Trekkers Peru, minimizing how hard and difficult it is to reach them. We invite schools to participate in the contest knowing about our culture and history with children between 6 and 12 years old. Whose prize is computers and other educational needs. A group of the Company goes to the communities and schools to invest knowledge about the care and importance of the environment, teaching our children, men and women to connect with nature. We also give toys to the children at Christmas time and Children’s Day. It would not be possible to reintegrate something to the community without the valuable help of our customers, by choosing us you are participating in our social projects for the benefit of the people and their children, because we allocate part of your money to the social projects of Local Trekkers Peru. Since Alberto created Local Trekkers Peru, he felt he has a duty to give something back to his people, since he was born and live in the Andes and Amazon of Peru. That is why we have a schedule of visits to communities of our staff from remote areas.
At the beginning of the school year of 2019, we visited the community of our cook Aurelio, the community of Hayuni, 6 hours by bus to the south of Cusco and 2 hours of walking, located in the District of Quiquijana, Province of Quispicanchi, at an altitude of 3998 meters above sea level. Birthplace of our cook. Carrying notebooks, books, pencils, among other school supplies, supporting the education of children in the Region.

We bring happiness to the children of the Santa Maria de Fatima Community this Christmas. Located on the Amazon River. To get there you have to travel two hours by boat and one hour walking. Alberto decided to bring joy to the children of the Peruvian Amazon where he lived for many years.

In December 2018, we visited the village of our guide Raul Vasquez Doing the ‘Chocolatada of the children of Acjanacco Cusco – Peru’; bringing toys, chocolate, bread, music and Santa Claus. It is really gratifying to see their smile on their faces full of joy and happiness.

Halfway through the school year we held a contest, with children between 6 and 12 years old, in which we gave them paper, markers and material that children need, to elaborate their theme of choice about our culture, which they will then present to a jury that will qualify and choose a winner to take a prize awarded by the Local Trekkers Peru company.