Dear Customer Local Trekkers Peru offers you 4 payment methods to make your initial deposit or to pay the remaining of the total Price of the tour, trek or program booked, these methods are detailed below:
You must clikc on our VISA link on our website and follow the steps and using this method you need to add 5 % of the total amoung paid. Through this method all credits and debit Visa cards are accepted. Remember using this method it takes 03 working days to have your payment in our Bank Account.
You must click on our Paypal payment button on our website and follow the steps and using this method you need to add the 8% of the total amoung paid. Through this method all credits and debit cards are accepted. Remember using this method it takes 07 working days to have your payment in our Bank Account.

Using this method you need to add the 5% of the total amoung sent and we need 4 working days to have your payment in our bank account. Following we detail the information of our bank account:
- Bank Address: Av. El sol 189
- Name of Bank: Banco de Credito del Peru
- Account Number: (US$ dollars): 00228500995074416050
- Account Name: Local Trekkers Peru E.I.R.L
- Emergency phone Via BCP: +51 01 4581230

You can use this method if you want to save time and if you want to act as son as possible to have a tour, trek or program very well booked, this method is recomendable when booking the Inca Trail due spaces for this are sold very fast, WU. Has rates for sending money abroad the rates depend on the country from which you are sending the money. Remember to send a deposit through WU. You need to send it under the name of a person, WU will only for the first name and last name, then they will give you a MTCN control Number (10 numbers) that you need to le tus know to be able to collect your payment. Following we detalied the informations of our General Manager to whom the payment of your deposit should be directed.
- Receiver’s Name: ALDO
- Receiver’s Surname: PANDURO LOJA
- Receiver’s Address: Suecia Street 368 (Plaza de Armas Cusco – Peru)
- Receiver’s City: CUZCO
- Receiver’s Country: Peru
- E-mail:
- Receiver’s ID: 40886997
- Phone mobile +51 943427160
- (just in case, PANDURO is his paternal name and LOJA is his maternal name)